Mon 06 Jan
🌟🌟🌟 let's keep it casual with no strings attached 🌟🌟🌟
(Dallas, Denton, everywhere, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, In town, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
☆_T H _ LA S T_ ☆_N I G H T_ H R _ ☆ iF §H§ GOoD ☆ iM BR ! - 20
(Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls- DONT MISS OUT)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Sun 05 Jan
🎀Blonde BaRbIe🎀 💎BoMbShELL 💎🌺🌺💎 💯% ReaL PICS ✔️✔️ ReAdY to CaTeR 2 YoU 💋❤ - 26
(Vernon❤💋💙☝✌💰Wichita, Wichita Falls)
Do You Like Sweet Chaming Sexy Playmate?
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, hotel room)
Sat 04 Jan
👋 hi guys!! My names Taylor 👸🏻. I would LOOOOVE 💖💖 to please you in town TODAY!! 👅🍆💦🤙🏼💁🏻. Come play 😘😏 - 21
(Wichita Falls)
»-♥-» *___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* - 29
(Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls (upscale))
Best Body Massage with Asian Beauty - 22
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Fri 03 Jan
▒█▒ FREAKY FRIDAY SPECIALS ▒█▒ δωεε†,©υr√γ ,δε∂υ©†¡√ε, & VeRy ηαυς╠╣†γ ▒█▒ - 28
(Denton, Lewisville/Denton)
How many does it take???? DONT wait for everyONe else.. Let me treat U$$ - 24
(Wichita Falls, wichita falls n surrounding areas)
☎ Exotic * Playful * Latina ☎ Exactly What u Need!☎ New in Town Specials - 26
(Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls In-calls Only!)
Thu 02 Jan
Gorgeous' BiRacial' Korean and Black combination** The Best You Never Had - 21
(Wichita Falls, witchitah falls)
Her Sessions Have Been Known to Keep Men Smiling for Days.. - 38
(Dallas, Frisco DFW Airport Addison Galleria)
Im..h3R3..@Last......... #N0.G@M3S..N3w.... VIX3N..H3R3..NOW!! - 24
(Wichita Falls, WICHITA!..OUT CALL ONLY!..any closetowns)
¥UMM¥ ( §—W—€—€—† ••••• L—!—K—€ ••••• H—0—N—€—¥ ) ¥UMM¥ - 22
(Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls~ INCALL ONLY)
*)))))))) Busty & Sexy Korean Girl ~~~ Asian Joyce ~~~ 469-250-8105 (((((((( Outcall Only - 21
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, Outcall Only, South DFW)
mmmm yummy!! all the things you want & more!!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, hotel room)
Miss me come kiss me!Feeling under the weather allow me to make your day better! - 22
(Dallas, Fort Worth, North DFW, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, Northeast Dallas White Rock)