Mon 06 Jan
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Your Sexy Little Secret, and Nobody Needs to Know! - 19
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, In town, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, In town, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
SHHH! What Happens, it is our Secret! - 19
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, In town, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
Sun 05 Jan
💣💣💥 2 bombshells.. 💎💎 cookies and cream 💎💎 2 girls 1 bed 👄👄💋💕💓💓 we r waiting for you👄 - 21
(Broad st 👍👍, Wichita Falls)
♥☆————————☆New Pics Sexy Petite ————————Exotic Beauty☆ —Leaving Soon ! ———————- ♥☆————————☆ - 22
(Wichita Falls, Wichata falls)
Sat 04 Jan
☆ . * FLAWLESS ☆ . * BEAUTY ☆ . * UPSCALE ♥ # 1 CHOICE ☆ MAMACITA - 26
(Wichita Falls, incall/wichita falls)
🍒🍒New and Fresh!!🍒8062201146🍒!!All- American Blonde!!☎ -Best Breast N WEST - 30
(Where ever you want me 2 B, Wichita Falls)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:-NEVER -:¦:-FORGET ME! - - 20
(Wichita Falls, your place or mine)
Fri 03 Jan
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, In your arms ;))
I Wanna Love Somebody! - 36
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Tyler, West Plano, Frisco, north Dallas, Addiso, Wichita Falls)
** Ju$t ~ wht ~ u ~ looking~ 4 latenite $pecial$ ** 2142512708 - 24
(Wichita Falls, wichita falls surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan
💙$$$💫💦💕💜 💦 I 💕💦 AIM 💦💕 2 PLEASE 💕💜💦NEVER 2 JuST TEASE💦💕💜💦$$$💫💙 - 22 - 22
(WICHITA COUNTY & surrounding areas, Wichita Falls)
Hot Men Cam From Home And Make Big Money! Highest Commission In The Industry! $$ - 40
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, USA)
_S_U_P_E_R__ *H_O_T_T_I_E_S * - _C_A_L_L_ * ___FOR_* T_H_E* B_E_S_T - 27
(Wichita Falls, Soutwest Pkwy)
[★]M a i n°►A t t r a c t i o n [★] SweeT & SeXy DiRtY BlonDe BeAuTy W/ BooTY - - 22
(Wichita Falls)
Top of the line. Nothing compares to me!
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
A sensual, sexy & totally discrete experience
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
💜💜💜👍💎 BACK IN TOWN 💎👍💜💜💜 bombshell blonde💣💥 juicy booty 👅👅💦 yum yum come get you some - 22
(In call only, Wichita Falls)
☎ Exotic * Playful * Latina ☎ Exactly What u Need!☎ New in Town Specials - 25
(Wichita Falls, Wichita Falls In-calls Only)